giovedì 8 dicembre 2011




Dec 1, 2011 - St Michael Archangel

At the Atlantic Ocean, Shinnecock Inlet, Southampton, NY, 2:30pm 
St. Michael the Archangel,
Defend us in this day of battle,
Be our protection against the wickedness
And snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
And do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host,
By the Divine Power of God,
Cast into hell satan and all the other evil spirits,
Who prowl throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls,
And the destruction of my mission. Amen.
Message from St. Michael the Archangel 
Lo and Behold! The days are now short! The great events are about to begin. You have been warned over the centuries that the sins of mankind will come to bear on all of humanity, and now is the time that the sands of time have run out, and the patience of your Father Almighty in Heaven has worn thin.
It is time then for the great events to begin. Prepare yourselves, all of you, who are the followers of the Father’s Son, the Redeemer of the world. Anticipate that great events will begin to take place and prepare yourselves, as the Lord and Saviour has instructed many of you to do.
It is time now for the great forces of good from the Eternal Realms to wage war on the evil that has been perpetrated upon humanity by the evil one and his followers. For those who have taken up the evil ways of darkness, the future will be terrible indeed. For those of you who are the followers of the Christ, you will experience a period of great turmoil throughout the world, as well as within your own families and communities. No individual, family, community, or nation will escape the reality that is about to take place for humanity.
For the beginning of the great changes will necessarily take place with a transformation of the consciousness of all souls upon the face of the Earth. The beginning of the transformation will affect each and every one of you directly and interiorly for the better, for those of you who recognize that Jesus Christ is the Son and Redeemer.
The changes will be frightening and terrifying for those of you, who have attempted to not only deny the Son, but to deny the very existence of the Father in Heaven. The wakeup call that will take place will energize many of you, who have been sleeping and ignoring the realities of mankind’s situation here on Earth.
You have been warned that unless there was a return to God by your families, your communities, and your nations, that terrible events would befall mankind. Yet, many of you have refused to listen.
You have supported schools and institutions, and leaders and governments that have not only refused to recognize the existence of God but that have driven God out of your hearts and minds, as well as out of your schools and institutions, and out of your governments and nations.
You have allowed the so-called elitists and power brokers of the world to implement their plans and designs to enslave all of you in a draconian plan to suppress all of God’s children into a lifestyle of godless and hedonistic existence. This is the plan of the evil one, and the legions of God’s Angels have been called by the trumpets of Heaven in these times to wage the final battle against the forces of good and evil.
This ultimate battle, the final battle for the salvation of all souls, is about to begin. Many of you have already prepared yourselves for the events that are to take place in the very near future, and it is your responsibility to warn your family members and friends, as well as your community that it is time to prepare for the coming of the Lord.  For the evil one in these times will be futilely accelerating his attacks on all of God’s children, so you must all be prepared to thwart his evil plan to dominate and enslave humanity.
You may be hearing in the winds the rumors of war. These rumors are true; for the power brokers of the world, who are satan’s minions, are preparing to thrust all of you into a deepening war in the Middle East to increase their power and control over humanity by seizing more of the resources of the world.
Beware of the plans of the evil doers to acquire more of your natural resources, your food sources, and your water supplies; for their ultimate goal is to use their hoarding of the resources of humanity to further suppress and control the rest of you to dominate you into a further form of earthly slavery.
The Father in Heaven will not allow these evildoers to have their way with God’s children, so now it is the time that the trumpets of Heaven are blaring and God’s Angels are being called to arms.
The great days of battle are about to begin between the forces of good and evil. Prepare yourselves through your prayers and meditation to don your spiritual coats of armour to be counted among the soldiers of God’s legions to battle against the forces of evil.
You will be rewarded in Heaven for following the plans of the Father to defeat his enemies, both in the spiritual world where satan and his fellow demons are now writhing in agony in their last breathes, as well as in your world where the dark one’s minions have been doing his work.
Ultimately the Father in Heaven will prevail over all, and you will be fulfilled through the Grace of God for responding to His Call!
Message ended 3:00pm